Tuesday, June 26, 2012

EFF's Defend Innovation Project: An Alternative View

My friend Buffalo developed a well thought out analysis on EFF's Defend Innovation Project, in seven parts, the first of which is posted here.  I happen to disagree somewhat with the tack he chose on this matter.

I think my disagreement comes from one fundamental difference: I do not believe software should be patentable.  Further, I find the whole concept of patents of any type somewhat dubious to begin with.

I don't believe that an idea can be made property of anyone.  I don't believe, for instance, that having thought of a method to resolve a certain problem and registering this method with the patents office means that I own said method, at least not in the same sense that I own my home.  A home can be taken from me, and I'll be left homeless.  An idea may be copied, but I will still have access to it.  I may not be able to profit as much from it if others copy it; but this risk of failure (that others may profit as much or more than us from our ideas) is a trade off I expect we believers in individualism must be willing to take.

One may argue, "What of the effort spent in developing a new idea?  If there's no ownership of the idea, the effort (the house) would have been taken away from the inventor, and he or she would not see any returns/become homeless."  I think such an argument is equivalent to saying that a business should succeed because the investors that risked their money should be guaranteed a return.  In other words, and to put it mildly, I disagree with that sentiment.

The notions of patents and, to some extent, copyrights are softly defined expediencies designed to, in principle, encourage productivity and cultural developments in society.  In practice, they are a fuzzy set of rules of thumb, modified often to adapt to new technological advances, and not always adapting well.  For example, it seems impossible to come up with hard, specific rules for what can be patented and what would otherwise be considered an obvious idea or a derivation.  Or at least to come up with rules that won't have to be modified in some degree as the years pass.

So, if I am an inventor, what do I get from a patent?  I get the legal certainty that I will be granted a temporary monopoly of the exploitation of the idea I have just made public.  In exchange for that monopoly the inventor gives up ownership of the patent, and after the monopoly phase ends the patent becomes part of the public domain.

I don't think such an idea should have been engraved in our constitution, but I can live with it, provided individuals still have the choice of keeping their inventions secret if they so choose.  Sadly, that is no longer a guarantee under our current patent system, and while this topic would warrant several articles/rants in its own merit, I'll summarize it here: in 2011 (effective in 2013) the U.S. went from a first-to-invent to a first-to-file patent system.  In the former I could invent a secret sauce and keep it secret, because if someone later tries to patent it, as long as I could prove I invented it first (by, say, certified logs, or by demonstration of an existing product), I could file and obtain a patent, even if I filed after them.  I will only have control of my secret sauce for another 20 years, but at least I will not be forced to pay royalties to someone else for a technique I was already aware of and had implemented in secret.

In the first-to-file system, on the other hand, I may indeed have to pay royalties to a latecomer on my own secret sauce if he or she files a patent on it before I do.  In this system I take a much larger risk, and am effectively penalized for not publicizing my invention early enough.  If one accepts that ideas can be property, under first-to-file rules I would have my very property commandeered from me for the benefit of society, either by the delayed effect of having registered it as a patent, or by the government allowing someone else to charge me for it.

Evidently I am reticent regarding patents -- I'll like them even less next year, when first-to-file comes into effect.  But in certain fields, like manufacture, I think patents provide an acceptable encouragement by the government for the development of technologies (much less acceptable under first-to-file).

Now, when it comes to software (and, in a lot of cases, biology and chemistry), the "fuzzy set of rules of thumb" for novelty and non-obviousness steadily evolved since the foundation of this country and further, since much earlier patent systems, that has worked so fairly well to separate a newer, better mouse trap from a lesser innovative variant, when it comes to software it fails spectacularly.  When there is no longer a widget to be demonstrated, when the search space for new ideas is no longer limited by physics/chemistry or other natural processes, thus yielding a domain of ideas the boundaries of which are seemingly a great deal farther than anything prior, deciding what is non-obvious, or even what is new, becomes a lot harder.  Was Amazon's 1-click method new?  Maybe.  Non-obvious?  I might disagree.  How about the Gif patent?  I might be more inclined to accept that as a relatively non-obvious technique, but in this case is only (relatively) non-obvious because there are so many possible ways to achieve the same result (8-bit, palette-encoded, lossless-compressed bitmap file).

So, even if I agree with Buffalo's points on, say, the validity of patents in the pharmaceutical industry -- which I do for the most part -- I think software is more akin to philosophy or art than to mouse traps or drugs, and judging what is new and non-obvious becomes a much harder task.

To summarize my points:  Patents are not a sacred cow of capitalism.  They are, in some respects, decidedly non-free market (first-to-file).  And patent systems cope badly with software.  As a result, software patents tend to become not a force for innovation, but a mine-field that software companies big and small have to tread, and where they make easy pickings for non-software companies dedicated not to create advancements, but to make money through litigation.  Is making money through litigation an acceptable business model here, from a libertarian perspective?  I don't think so, since this is an artificial market, created by government.

EFF's Defend Innovation Project contains initiatives on how to bring the patent system under control.  It is taking baby steps toward that goal.  The EFF is proposing its own set of fuzzy rules of thumb to minimize the impact of the existing set of fuzzy rules of thumb on the software industry.  I don't fully agree with every element of it.  For instance, I share some of Buffalo's misgivings voiced in Part 4 of his analysis.

On the other hand I like the suggested 5-year limit on the duration of patents.  I do agree that five years seems arbitrary.  It probably is.  And so is 20 years.  But there is certainly an element of pragmatism in this approach.  Trying to eliminate software patents in a single blow would be a lot harder than trying to defang it.  Making the limit five years may also cause it to be too small to be useful to patent trolls, while allowing inventors to still obtain a useful monopoly, if an idea is truly worth patenting.  The ideal number of years in my thinking would be zero, but five is a lot better than 20.  In other words, a compromise on a better rule of thumb.

Regarding EFF's sixth proposal, on reasonable damages, I think there are reasonable ways to argue the proportionality of the importance of a given bit of code.  For instance, can it be replaced with something else readily available?  Is it essential to the functioning of the parent software?  If removed, does the loss of performance make the parent software much less appealing, or just a bit less appealing?  These are valid analyses that could be presented to a jury, and I imagine civil questions of intellectual property may come down to convincing a jury of the importance of bits of intellectual property that may have been improperly handled by defendants, when there's no other clear cut means of judgment.  That might be true for civil cases more often than not, I suspect.

I believe I covered my position on EFF's seventh proposal earlier in this text.  This may be where Buffalo and I differ the most.  I think to question the benefit of software patents is very valid -- and so it is to question the validity of the patents system in general, but one battle at a time.  And, like it or not, patents are a clear prerogative of the federal government (Article I, Section VIII -- Powers of Congress).  This is the one case where a congressional hearing would actually be appropriate (these words will come back to haunt me one day, I know it).  The question of weather software, or algorithms for that matter, was indeed patentable was settled only fairly recently -- partly, of course, because questions of software in general were only relevant in the last 40 years or so, but this doesn't detract from my point that the field is relatively new and old tools my not be as helpful as they used to be, or even needed.  Having a public hearing where different parties (developers, businesses large and small, software companies,  users, etc.) can air their expectations and concerns would (or at least could) help congress take a meaningful step towards making the system better, instead of simply making it more complex.  Unfortunately, Congress's track record on intellectual property legislation is rather dismal (see copyright extensions, DMCA, etc).

Sunday, June 24, 2012

EFF's Defend Innovation Project: Analysis

  Earlier this week, the Electronic Freedom Frontier (EFF) launched the Defend Innovation Project, a tentative list of seven key patent reforms it believes will rectify many of the problems plaguing the U.S. Patent System.  The goal of this project is to garner feedback and ideas from inventors, software companies, lawyers, academics, and internet users, and then include this feedback and necessary updates into a final whitepaper to be delivered to legislators in Washington sometime in the future.

  While I have always been a big supporter of the EFF, I have to admit that this list failed to impress me.  It is a mixed bag of good ideas, counterproductive-but-well-meant notions of fairness, potential loopholes and abuse vehicles, and some downright silliness.  To show you what I mean, I'll go over each proposal and offer my thoughts, such as they are, on each.

  Disclaimer: I am not claiming to have the answers to these problems.  I simply mean to point out potential problems and concerns, and offer my opinions.  Really, though, I am in fact claiming to have the answers to the problems.

A patent covering software should be shorter: no more than five years from the application date

The Problem:  "A patent lasts for 20 years, beginning from the application's filing date. Often, the term is extended even longer to reflect the years it can take to obtain a patent. While 20 years might make sense when talking about inventions that take substantial investment—building factories and laboratories, for instance—software takes coders and computers. Hard work to be sure, but of a different type."

The Solution:  "A patent covering software should survive for a term of five years, beginning from the date the application is filed. Even though international agreements could be read to require a 20-year term, we think there are ways around this. For example, it’s not clear those agreements even apply to software. Also, the proposal could be limited to U.S. inventors only."

  In theory, this is a great idea.  The 20-year patent has no place in a scientific field that advances as rapidly and fluidly as does computer science.  For example, think of the operating system and software programs you were using in 1992.  Do you think there is a single shred of source code in Windows 3.1 that could be relevant to today's coders?  The 20-year software patent extends well beyond the potential usefulness of the software itself.  This is tantamount to a lifetime patent, when most software is considered an archaic, historical oddity within 10 years.

  My main problem with this proposal is the arbitrary selection of a five-year term.  The EFF includes no justification for this number - no studies or statistics to indicate that a five-year patent would achieve the goal of defending innovation.  In fact, there is plenty of reason to suspect that this patent term could hinder innovation.

  I've written extensively on my support of the Open Source movement, and I have no intention of backing down from this support any time soon.  However, I am not blind to the fact that the resources available to a community-based volunteer project are dwarfed by those available to software companies.  People who are paid to code for 40 hours a week are going to outperform people who volunteer to code on their own time, every time.  Even when they are the exact same people, as is usually the case.  A programmer with a day-job and a family is not going to be able to devote the same amount of time and energy into open source projects, even if he or she would like to do so.

  Lest we forget - patents came about for a reason.  Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to sell their drugs exclusively under patent for a specified amount of time, often at a premium when compared to generic equivalents.  Topically, this can be seen as a hindrance to medical progress.  After all, the cost of a potentially lifesaving drug can often prevent many people from obtaining it.  However, if they were not allowed exclusive rights to sell their work at a premium, how would they profit?  Another company could avoid the astronomical overhead costs of researching a new drug, and just skip right to underselling the researcher once they have completed the grunt work.  If this is the case, what is the motivation to dump millions of dollars into the research, development, and testing of new lifesaving drugs?  And if there is no motivation to develop new lifesaving drugs, where, then, will our new lifesaving drugs come from?

  I don't mean to defend the greed of the pharmaceutical industry.  Well, actually, I mean precisely to do that.  Self-interest is the only interest of a corporation, and for the overwhelming majority of human beings, this holds true as well.  If a software company loses the financial motivation to develop a new product, then the product will likely not be developed.  Innovation needs to be protected on both sides - from the overreach and abuse of patents by trolls and such, but also from the loss of financial gain that motivates many innovations in the first place.

  This is a balancing act, which must take into account:
  1. The time requirement for rights-exclusivity necessary for a company to benefit financially from internally funding innovation, 
  2. The utility lifespan of an innovative product;  I.e. at what point does the software become archaic to innovators, especially in the open source community?
  Rather than arbitrarily defining a shorter time-span for software patents, I would like to see this proposal suggest studies and funding vehicles to try and determine the optimal patent time-span based on the issues defined above.  In this way, an informed decision can be made, and the right solution to the problem can be found.

Next: If the patent is invalid or there's no infringement, the trolls should have to pay the legal fees

EFF's Defend Innovation Project: Analysis (Part 2)

If the patent is invalid or there's no infringement, the trolls should have to pay the legal fees

The Problem:  "Both the winner and loser in a patent suit almost always pay their owns fees and costs, which can total well into the millions of dollars if the case actually goes to trial. Because the potential costs are so high and there is no way to recover those costs, defendants will often settle to avoid hefty legal bills – even if they have a strong legal case that they never infringed on the patent or the patent was invalid to begin with."

The Solution:  "Patent law should allow for the winning party, in cases where it was easy to see that the patent was invalid or there was no infringement, to obtain its fees and costs. If the trolls know they could be on the hook for that money, they will be less likely to file frivolous lawsuits."

 This is a great idea.  Settlement always looks like the sweeter deal, even when faced with a winnable suit.  A troll can nickle-and-dime innovators to death without ever having to go to court, and innovators deserve some form of protection from this.

  My only suggestion would be that this proposal needs a solid stipulation to the effect of:  "IF the lawsuit is clearly an act of trolling, with little or no merit for the claim."

  In other words, a company should not be economically dissuaded from pursuing a potentially legitimate claim any more than they should be economically dissuaded from protecting themselves from a ludicrous one.  Some claims do indeed have enough merit to require the attention of civil courts - these should not be affected by this proposal.  I know that the proposal contains some wording of this sort, but it should be much, much clearer in final form.

  Simple in theory, but very tricky in implementation.  Who decides the merits of the case?  The judge?  The jury?  Should it be a judgement call at all, or should there be some mechanism built into the patent system that codifies these standards?  This will all have to be addressed before I can fully get behind such a reform.

Next: Patent applicants should be required to provide an example of running software code for each claim in the patent

EFF's Defend Innovation Project: Analysis (Part 3)

Patent applicants should be required to provide an example of running software code for each claim in the patent

The Problem:  "Software patents are hard to understand. Really hard, because patent lawyers can get away with writing them in extremely vague and broad language. This means that innovators are left without clear guidance on what patents they might be infringing. It also allows trolls to exploit the vague and confusing patent language to extort higher licensing fees than they would otherwise be entitled."

The Solution:  "Patent applicants should be required to provide an example of running software code for each claim in the patent and tell the Patent Office which claims are covered by which lines of that code. Think, for example, of early Patent Office practice requiring the submission of a “model” of the working invention to the Patent Office."

  I had an idea once, for a piece of software that would accept input (either vocal, typed, blinked, performed via American Sign language, or thought via cognitive waves).  Depending on which functions the user had enabled in the software (available functions TBD), the software would then perform aforementioned functions, and then present the user with some form of output (either on a computer screen (pixel-based or otherwise), vibrational, Morse-Code light blinking, audible, ink printed, 3D printed, or thought via cognitive waves).

  I probably do not deserve a patent for this idea.  I support this provision as-written, with the possible addition that the scope of the patent should be expressly limited by the functionality of the presented code.

Next: Infringers should avoid liability if they independently arrive at the patented invention

EFF's Defend Innovation Project: Analysis (Part 4)

Infringers should avoid liability if they independently arrive at the patented invention

The Problem:  "Patent liability is strict liability. This means that all a patent holder must do is show that a defendant practices its invention, not that the defendant had any intention to infringe, or even any knowledge that the patent existed. The law, in its current form, allows trolls to target anyone who allegedly infringes."

The Solution:  "Congress should pass a law letting alleged infringers avoid liability when they can show that they independently arrived at the invention they practice. If inventors can’t understand a patent, then they, as a matter of logic, cannot copy it. Likewise, if inventors don’t know about a patent, they cannot copy it. An innocent infringer defense would protect those inventors and, consequently, shut down a major revenue stream for the trolls."

  When I first read this proposal, it seemed like a loophole waiting to happen.  Having given it a day's thought, I see now that it all depends on where the burden of proof is placed, similar to many self defense laws.  Each side of that coin has it's own intrinsic issues, but I'll get to that in a moment.  At the end of the day, it is very difficult to prove that somebody else knows something, and likewise it is difficult to prove that you are ignorant of something.

  If the burden of proof is placed on the claimant, even gathering the necessary evidence and testimony would be a nightmare.  The Fifth Amendment gives protection against self-incrimination, which essentially boils down to the fact that a witness cannot be forced to testify or produce evidence unless the prosecution already has knowledge of the evidence in question.  However, if the evidence in question is wholly contained within the memory of a defendant, the prosecution would essentially have to prove that the defendant has the knowledge in order to gather the evidence and testimony necessary to prove that the defendant has the knowledge.  This could promote a "Culture of Blindness", in which it becomes advantageous to encourage ignorance of patents that relate to your work, since that knowledge could one day be used in a suit against you.

  If the burden is placed on the defendant, however, it becomes a My-Word-Against-Yours situation, since what sort of evidence could possibly exist that proves you did not know of the patent in question?  How could a defendant ever hope to account for every bit of knowledge he or she has, and hope to prove that this knowledge does not relate to the patent?  It would be easy enough to conduct cursory patent research that deliberately avoids anything that could possibly be infringed upon, and to document a few memos to the effect of "No patent was found that would cover the ideas / inventions we wish to pursue."  There are millions upon millions of patents out there - nobody could ever hope to check them all.  This leads to a nearly trivial establishment of reasonable doubt.

  I can't say what would fix this proposal; I really don't know.  I will be interested to hear the feedback the EFF gets on it, and to see it in final form when it's shipped off to Washington.

Next: Patents and licenses should be public right away.  Patent owners should be required to keep their public records up-to-date

EFF's Defend Innovation Project: Analysis (Part 5)

Patents and licenses should be public right away.  Patent owners should be required to keep their public records up-to-date

The Problem:  "Patent owners often do not keep their records up-to-date at the Patent Office, making it nearly impossible for potential defendants to know what patents they infringe and appropriately make risk analyses before they move forward with a product. Patents are supposed and their related documents should be public to put parties on notice of what they can and cannot do; when those records aren’t public, inventors bear the cost."

The Solution:  "All patent owners should be required to keep their disclosures up to date throughout the life of the patent, or else the patent will be unenforceable. For example, patent owners should be required to update ownership and litigation records in a timely fashion. And, with the exception of relevant trade secrets, licenses to a patent should be reported within six months of their effective date."

  This makes sense to me.  I think it's well-worded and perfectly fair to both patent-holders and potential infringers.  There is no mandated penalty for failing to keep records up-to-date, which I think is a good thing.  Simply put, if you want to be able to enforce your rights on a patent, you have to give others a fair chance to discover that they might be infringing upon it.  Otherwise, you get a Kafkaesque minefield of potential lawsuits and no way of knowing where to step.

Next: The law should limit damages so that a patent owner can't collect millions if the patent represented only a tiny fraction of a defendant's product

EFF's Defend Innovation Project: Analysis (Part 6)

The law should limit damages so that a patent owner can't collect millions if the patent represented only a tiny fraction of a defendant's product

The Problem:  "If a patent owner wins a lawsuit, it may be able to recover a “reasonable royalty.”  Under present law, calculations of such a royalty can get out of hand and reach well into the millions of dollars, even if the patent only covers a small fraction of the defendant’s product.  Many defendants choose to settle instead of fighting bad patents out of fear of paying these high damages."

The Solution:  "The law should be clear that damages may not be based upon the entire market value unless the patent’s specific contribution is the predominant basis for the demand of a defendant’s product or process."

  There definitely needs to be a legally-codified statute requiring reasonable proportionality between the patent's impact on a product and the damages sought.  However, as written, this proposition does not seem to accomplish what it ostensibly aims to accomplish.

  How do you define a tiny fraction, in terms of lines of code, or relevance of the feature to the product's marketability?  A small bit of code can have a giant impact on a product.  Likewise, a large chunk of source code may merely be overhead necessities and initializations, with little import in terms of innovation.  For example, many low-level physics simulations contain mostly rendering code and other overhead functionality, with maybe 15 lines of true physics calculations.  Obviously this is all just for the sake of argument, as I'm sure there will be detailed clarification on this matter when the proposal reaches final form.
  As was pointed out by a J Doe on the Defend Innovation website, a ruling from Laserdynamics v. Quanta Computer, Inc. has already set a fairly good precedence for solving both the EFF's initial stated problem and the issues defined above:
"Damages are recoverable under the entire market value rule only if the patented apparatus was of such paramount importance that it substantially created the value of the component parts ... Therefore, the patentee must prove that the patent-related feature is the basis for customer demand .... Further, it is not appropriate in cases where the unpatented components have essentially no functional relationship to the patented invention and . . . may have been sold with an infringing device only as a matter of convenience or business advantage.”
  This precedent could be expanded to include a statute which details the guidelines for reasonable proportionality between the patent's impact on a product and the damages sought, rather than trying to rewrite a whole new law.

Next: Congress should commission a study and hold hearings to examine whether software patents actually benefit our economy at all.

EFF's Defend Innovation Project: Analysis (Part 7)

Congress should commission a study and hold hearings to examine whether software patents actually benefit our economy at all.

The Problem:  "It’s safe to say that there is much disagreement among engineers, lawyers, and policy makers over whether software patents even make sense, that is, whether the ability to patent software actually does more harm than good to our innovation society and economy."

The Solution:  "Congress should hold hearings and provide a study examining the issue. The study should include a review of relevant economic data and should take into account viewpoints from all parties affected by the patent system, particularly those who oftentimes do not practice before the Patent Office and who do not deal with litigation and licensing until they are facing the threat of a suit themselves."

  This is where they lost me.  This proposal seems, to me, like a waste of taxpayer money in pursuit of the answer to a ludicrous question.

  The effects of the patent system on the nation's economy are as relevant to its existence as are the effects of property ownership on the economy - Not At All.  If something is yours by rights, meaning that you have legally invested the time, effort, and/or capital in order to create or obtain it, whether it is intellectual property or an acre of land, the "Greater Good" has no right to commandeer your property for the benefit of the economy.  It is yours. 
  And to further recommend that the viewpoints taken into account should come heavily from "those who oftentimes do not practice before the Patent Office and who do not deal with litigation and licensing until they are facing the threat of a suit themselves" (i.e. Anybody-But-Patent-Holders) just reeks of tyranny of the majority.  To me, anyway.

  If you wish to see more effort put into software that will be immediately useful and free-to-use for everybody, then donate and contribute to open source projects.  Please do.  But don't make the mistake of expecting corporations to invest in society's future - they exist solely to make money, and invest only in their own future.  And rightly so.

  There are obviously shortcomings in the patent system that unfairly hinder innovation.  But this proposition is downright silly.  Not to mention, abolishing the software patent would be counterproductive.  Companies, when faced with the prospect of losing a huge revenue stream via time-limited monopolies in exchange for the initial investment, research and development, will either scale down R&D drastically, or keep new innovations as trade secrets, which are not time-limited and therefore will never be useful to anybody else.  The EFF should scrap this proposal altogether.

  As I said at the start, the EFF's seven Defend Innovation proposals are a mixed bag, in my opinion.  However, the goal from the start was to garner such opinions, positive or negative, and I must say that I am ecstatic to finally have some solid (for the most part) talking points to work off of as we strive to improve the Software Patent System. If you have an opinion on any or all of the proposals, the EFF is asking for your contribution.  Just go to the website and post your comments, such as they are.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Great Gary Johnson's Campaign Ad

Gary Johnson's most recent campaign ad, which I happen to think is very good:

I like Johnson.  Between he and Ron Paul I'd still go with Ron Paul, but Johnson has a lot of potential to do a great deal of good for the libertarian cause.  His positions on issues are close to Paul's in a number of areas, although they diverge in some pretty significant matters, such as abortion and taxes.  Incidentally, in those two areas I am more in agreement with Johnson's positions than with Paul's, although I respect Paul's reasons for his stances.  And even in the case of abortion, I think Paul's political approach is reasonable: It's a states rights issue, and let the states decide.  Even though I believe a pregnant woman's right to exert control over her own body trumps the rights of the unborn child in her womb  -- and I don't state this lightly -- I am skeptical that the federal government has the power to regulate abortions one way or another.

The reason I would still prefer Paul over Johnson is that I (and everyone else and their dogs) know where the good doctor stands on most issues.  Paul has been honest and upfront about his principles, and has not strayed away from what he professes to believe.  The same may indeed be the case with Mr. Johnson, but the governor hasn't been around as long as the congressman.  Also, every time he describes himself as a pragmatic libertarian a few red flags go up in my mind.  Does that mean Johnson would put expediency over principle?  I don't really think so, but I dislike the label.  In any case, if Paul isn't on the ballot, Johnson gets my vote.  And that's the way things seem to be going.

For a comparison between Paul and Johnson from a Johnson supporter, see here.