Monday, February 20, 2012

Virginia Nullifies NDAA

In an enormously uplifting turn of events, the Virginia House of Representatives has passed legislation (by a whopping 96% majority) which nullifies Sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.  The bill, dubbed the Liberty Preservation Act, reads as follows:

“the Legislature finds that the enactment into law by the United States Congress of Sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, Public Law Number 112-81, is inimical to the liberty, security and well-being of the people of Virginia, and was adopted by the United States Congress in violation of the limits of federal power in United States Constitution”

Doesn't that just put a smile on your face?

Arizona, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Maryland and Washington states have also introduced the bill in either the House or the Senate.  In addition, seven local legislative bodies nationwide have already nullified the notoriously venomous Sections, which would give the U.S. Military jurisdiction over policing American soil and allow for indefinite detention of United States Citizens without charge, trial, or due process - all at the behest of the President of the United States of America.

Want to know the best part?  This bill is much more than just a heartwarmingly symbolic, but ultimately limp-wristed stand against the abhorrent usurpation of power by POTUS.
This bill has some balls.

In Washington's iteration of the LPA, ". . . state and local officials (including members of the Washington National Guard) would be prohibited from participating in or assisting the federal government in the unlawful activities purportedly authorized by the NDAA. The bill would also outlaw any of those actions by the U.S. armed forces within the state."

Want to know if your state is making efforts at making tyranny illegal?  Check here.

If your state isn't on the list, you can locate and contact your State's legislators here.

And of course, if you would like to see legislation passed at the federal level which declares the NDAA illegal and nullified, I humbly ask that you give serious consideration to Ron Paul as your presidential candidate in 2012, because he's doing just that as we speak.


  1. Thank God some have not fallin into a deep sleep and let this go without a sound like many laws before it.

  2. I'm so unbelievably happy. Thank you god. Ron Paul 2012 liberty or death!!!

  3. Amen brother. May the fight for liberty live on... Ron Paul 2012!!
